Dashboard Added.

Updated on 11/11/2018.


Dashboard button introduced and nicely placed on on Tips page for quick overview of petrol-pump.

The Dashboard is useful to give quick view of companies standing and monitor frequently referred items organized for quick and easy access. Any organisation/petrol-pump is interested to know where their money is blocked be it in Outstanding, Stock and Fund utilization etc., or sales increases or decreased and Dashboard is very handy to get the same as quick reference.

Dashboard Button

If Tips page is not visible just Click F1 on keyboard to open the Tips Page. When you first time click on Dashboard button it will automatically configure the frequently accessed information as shown below:

Dashboard Summary View

You can select the items you wish to appear on dashboard by clicking on the Configure Tab on the above screen. Also please note the Excel button, it will allow you to export all the data in all the box/frame in different sheet on a new workbook created on you desktop. When you click on Configure tab it will show the available items to choose from in all the six boxes/frames above as per your wish as explained in below given screen.

Dashboard Configuration

The Configure tab allows you to select the Item you wish to appear in each frame, after making the appropriate selection just click on Refresh Dashboard to apply the changes to respective box/frame on dashboard. Also please note the Help/Description on each item for which the data will be fetched is explained in the textbox window on configure tab.

Also in the updated version, please find new module to analyse the customer vehicle-wise lifting to be accessed from Reports->Sales->Customer Details (CRM)->Vehicle Lifting Tab. Just select the product, appropriate period and desired quantity lifted by customer in their vehicle click on process button to get the results as shown below:

Vehicle Analysis